Awards and Media
- New Collaborative Projects at LMU: Artificial Intelligence and Grasping Robots (German article)
- Sohir Maskey's and Raffaele Paolino's paper was accepted as an Oral at NeurIPS 2024!
- Johannes Maly's received the ACHA 2024 Charles Chui young researcher best paper award!
Media Review
Our research was already highlighted in the media at LMU, in Bavaria and in Germany. If you are interested, you can take a look at the articles below:
During the history of our chair, our members received various awards among which were the following:
- LMU-Forschungspreise für exzellente Studierende
- Awards for best Bachelor and Master theses and degrees
- BIMoS PhD Award
- Deutschlandstipendium
- Dr.-Klaus-Körper-Award of the GAMM
- Einstein Chair
- Francqui Chair
- GAMM Junior Fellow
- Hans Schneider ILAS Lecturer
- Heisenberg-Fellowship of the DFG
- IEEE Fellow
- Invited Lecture at the International Congress of Mathematics (ICM) 2022
- IPAM Fellow
- J. Tinsley Oden Faculty Fellow
- Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science
- Noether Lecturer
- Oberwolfach Leibniz Graduate Student
- Plenary Talk at the 8th European Congress of Mathematics
- SIAM Fellow
- von Kaven-Prize of the DFG
- Member of the European Academy of Sciences
- Invited Lecture at the International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) 2023
- Lecturer in the Distinguished Lecture Series at UCLA
- Lecturer of the London Mathematical Society (LMS) Invited Lecture Series