Bavarian AI Chair for Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

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Summer Semester 2024, Thursdays 2pm-4pm unless otherwise noted.

Date Speaker Title
13.05.2024 (17:00) Guy Amir (Hebrew University in Jerusalem) Verifying Deep Reinforcement Learning Systems
15.05.2024 (11:00) Paul Geuchen (Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) Optimal approximation using complex-valued neural networks
16.05.2024 Cristobal Guzman (PUC), Zoom Differentially-Private Optimization with Sparse Gradients
23.05.2024 Massimiliano Datres A two-scale Complexity Measure for Deep Learning Models
23.05.2024 Derek Lim (MIT) Parameter Space Symmetries and Empirical Analysis of Neural Networks
06.06.2024 Johannes Maly A brief outline of the paper ’Three quantization regimes for ReLU networks’ by Ou, Schenkel, and Boelcskei
06.06.2024 Viktoria Ehm (Computer Vision Group, TUM) Partial Shape Matching with Geometric Consistency
12.06.2024 Alfred Bruckstein (Technion) From Short-Cuts to Crazy Cuts and a Discovery on Disc Covers
13.06.2024 Maria Matveev Learning on the Edge of Stability
13.06.2024 Vit Fojtik Learning on the Edge of Stability
17.06.2024 Suvrit Sra  Transformers learn in-context by implementing gradient descent
20.06.2024 Christopher Bülte
20.06.2024 Philipp Scholl
27.06.2024 Mariia Seleznova
27.06.2024 Sohir Maskey
01.07.2024 (16:00) Xaiosheng Zhuang (City University of Hong Kong)
04.07.2024 Duc Anh Nguyen
04.07.2024 Raffaele Paolino
11.07.2024 Ernesto Araya
11.07.2024 Manjot Singh
18.07.2024 Stefan Kolek
18.07.2024 Chirag Shukla
25.07.2024 Adalbert Fono
25.07.2024 Yunseok Lee



Winter Semester 2023/2024, Thursdays 2pm-4pm unless otherwise noted.

Date Speaker Title
19.10.2023 Manjot Singh Exploring Neural Network Expressivity via Trajectory Length Analysis
02.11.2023 Philipp Scholl ParFam - Symbolic Regression based on Continuous Global Optimization
09.11.2023 Johannes Maly How to estimate covariances from one-bit samples in a data-adaptive way
16.11.2023 Maria Matveev Gradient-based study of data point influence during the training of neural networks
16.11.2023 Hector Andrade Loarca Founding a Biotech Startup
23.11.2023 Duc Anh Nguyen Measuring neural network expressivity by the number of linear regions
30.11.2023 Yunseok Lee Dictionary Learning for Diagonal Frame Decomposition
13.12.2023 Katharina Bieker (starts at 1:30 pm) Compositional Construction of Barrier Functions for Controlled
18.01.2024 Stefan Kolek Learning Interpretable Queries for Explainable Image Classification with Information Pursuit
25.01.2024 Hector Andrade Loarca Leveraging large diffusion models as image priors for 3D shape reconstruction and beyond
01.02.2024 Vit Fojtik Complex Implicit Bias
t.b.a. Laura Thesing
08.02.2024 Raffaele Paolino
08.02.2024 Sohir Maskey



Summer Semester 2023, Thursday 2pm-4pm.

Date Speaker Title
20.04.2023 Aras Bacho Approximating Solutions of Differential Inclusions via Deep Learning Techniques: A Novel Approach to Nonsmooth Evolution Equations
27.04.2023 Philipp Scholl Well-definedness of Physical Law Learning: The Uniqueness Problem
04.05.2023 Hung-Hsu Chou CryoEM Image Recovery via Fourier Invariant under Group Actions
04.05.2023 Hillary Haugner Physical Law Learning of Friction Data
11.05.2023 Beatrice Lorenz Error Estimation for Physics-Informed Neural Networks Approximating Semi-Linear Wave Equations
11.05.2023 Katharina Bieker Optimal Control meets Machine Learning
25.05.2023 Mariia Seleznova Neural (Tangent Kernel) Collapse
29.06.2023 Sohir Maskey Exploiting Long-Range Dependencies in Graphs using Fractional Laplacians
29.06.2023 Yunseok Lee Data-driven Regularization based on Diagonal Frame Decompostion
06.07.2023 Laura Thesing Sumformer: Universal Approximation for Efficient Transformers
06.07.2023 Vit Fojtik Who's afraid of non-computability of learning?
06.07.2023 Laura Thesing Sumformer: Universal Approximation for Efficient Transformers
13.07.2023 Ines Butz Deep learning for patient-specific calibration of X-ray CT into RSP based on sparse ion radiographies
13.07.2023 Hector Andrade-Loarca Learning 3D shape representations: From meshes to NeRFs and beyond.
13.07.2023 Yahya Saleh Spectral learning for solving infinite-dimensional eigenvalue problems
20.07.2023 Manjot Singh TBA
20.07.2023 Stefan Kolek TBA