Bavarian AI Chair for Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

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Explore Our Courses

Mathematical and Statistical Foundations of Machine Learning (Part I)
(V4, SoSe)

Mathematical Foundations of Deep Learning (Part II)
(V4, WiSe)

Mathematics of Signal and Image Processing
(V4, SoSe)

Optimization for Data Science (WiSe) (“Part 0”)

  • Convex Optimization
  • Optimization in Machine Learning (GD, SGD)
  • Variational Methods in Image/Signal Processing (Forward-Backward Splitting Methods etc.)

High-Dimensional Probability Theory

Compressive Sensing
(V4, WiSe)

Computational Mathematics (Bachelor) (V2, WiSe)

  • Python
  • Data Handling
  • Numerische Lineare Algebra
  • Singular Value Decomposition
  • Seminar: Mathematical Foundations of AI (oder so aehnlich)

Office Hours

During the winter term 2023/2024, Professor Kutyniok's office hour is on Thu 12:30pm -13:30 pm.