Invited Survey Papers/Book Reviews
- G. Kutyniok. How can reliability of Artificial Intelligence be ensured? [pdf]
- H. Boche, A. Fono and G. Kutyniok. Fundamentale Grenzen der künstlichen Intelligenz aus mathematischer Sicht. In: Sammelband "Grenzen Künstlicher Intelligenz", to appear.
- S. Kolek, D. Nguyen, R. Levie, J. Bruna, and G. Kutyniok. A Rate-Distortion Framework for Explaining Black-box Model Decisions. In International Workshop on Extending Explainable AI Beyond Deep Models and Classifiers (pp. 91-115). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- G. Kutyniok, A. Pinar, and J. A. Tropp. SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science: A Conference Goes Virtual. In: SIAM News, SIAM, to appear.
- M. Genzel and G. Kutyniok. Artificial Neural Networks In: GAMM Rundbrief 2 (2019), 12–20. [pdf]
- H. De Sterck, G. Kutyniok, J. Nagy, and E. Tadmor. Panelists Talk Machine Learning and the Future of Mathematics at ICIAM 2019 In: SIAM News, SIAM, Nov. 2019.
- G. Kutyniok, S. Levine, L. Ruthotto, and F. Sgallari. Imaging Science Community Meets in Bologna. In: SIAM News, SIAM, Aug. 2018.
- G. Kutyniok, J. Liesen, and V. Mehrmann. G2S3 Participants Study Data Sparse Approximation and Algorithms. In: SIAM News, SIAM, Sept. 2017.
- S. Bosse, G. Kutyniok, and R. Reisenhofer. Perceptual Image Quality Assessment by Haar Wavelet Similarity. In: SIAM News, SIAM, Oct. 2017.
- G. Kutyniok. Shearlets. In: Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics, B. Engquist et al., eds., Springer, 2016.
- G. Kutyniok. Mit Mathematik die Datenflut beherrschen? In: Alles Mathematik. Von Pythagoras zum CD-Player, M. Aigner, E. Behrends, eds., 187–196, Springer, 2016.
- G. Kutyniok. Compressed Sensing. DMV Mitteilungen 22 (2014), 24–29. [pdf]
- G. Kutyniok. Mit Mathematik die Datenflut bewältigen. Die Zeit, 2014.
- G. Kutyniok. Geometric Multiscale Analysis: From Wavelets to Parabolic Molecules. Int. Math. Nachrichten 225 (2014), 1–16. [pdf]
- G. Kutyniok, W.-Q Lim, and G. Steidl. Shearlets: Theory and Applications. GAMM-Mitteilungen 37 (2014), 259–280. [pdf]
- G. Kutyniok. Theory and Applications of Compressed Sensing. GAMM Mitteilungen 36 (2013), 79–101. [pdf]
- G. Kutyniok. Book Review of “Four Short Courses on Harmonic Analysis” Jahresbericht der DMV 113 (2011), 41–44.
- G. Kutyniok. Time-frequency analysis. Human Cognitive Neurophysiology 1 (2008), 12–21.
- G. Kutyniok. What is Applied Harmonic Analysis? DMV Mitteilungen 16 (2008), 78–84. [pdf]
- A. Klein, G. Kutyniok, T. Sauer, and W. Skrandies. Wavelets in Neurophysiology. Brain Topography 20 (2007), 52–53.
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